Traditional Panettone “Sicilia” Ciccio Sultano


Traditional Panettone “Sicilia” Ciccio Sultano


Sicily is the name of Ciccio Sultano’s traditional panettone.


For our traditional panettone we use only the best ingredients: candied oranges and lemons, sultanas, vanilla, dairy butter, almonds, high-quality Italian flour, our sourdough starter, and eggs. Without additives or preservatives, it has a shelf life of 50 days from the production date.


The traditional one-kilo panettone costs 42 euro.
Free shipping in Italy for orders over 70 euros and in Europe for purchases over 200 euros, including discounts.

Shipments starting November 20, 2023.

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#90 Out of stock N/A 1 kg . , , .

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